Camberwell High School is a school of choice for students, teachers and educational support staff. The school has 80 teachers and 25 ESS, with a range and balance of experience from graduate through to highly experienced. The school is recognised for academic results, significantly in advance of state standards for VCE and across all domains in the national assessments in literacy and numeracy. The school is excelling at or embedding all elements of the Victorian Government’s Framework for School Improvement Continua of Practice.

The school is a learning community with a well-articulated learning vision focused on the development of independent learners. The staff design curriculum collaboratively ensuring a whole school approach to teaching and learning in line with the vision and the meeting schedule reflects this priority.

In the Strategic Plan, the development of a whole school pedagogy is a priority and is outlined in the following key directions:

  • Building teacher practice excellence using collaborative approaches including coaching, observation and feedback.
  • Developing and embedding a whole school approach to literacy and writing.
  • Ensuring students develop the capacity to be independent learners with a focus on the attributes of the CHS Learner including through monitoring and taking responsibility for their own growth.
  • Communicating and building ownership of the CHS vision for learning
  • Building a whole school culture based on respectful relationships.

The school is known for its commitment to developing teacher capacity and leadership skills. This is evident in the comprehensive  induction program and the ongoing mentoring of graduates by experienced teachers. All staff are encouraged to build their leadership capacity through a range of developmental opportunities including an aspiring leaders program. The organizational structure of the school which features a range of strategic and implementation teams provide opportunities for broad participation and consultation.

A strong staff association promotes collegiality and wellbeing through a range of social activities throughout the year. Staff new to the school frequently comment on the strong sense of welcome and support extended to them and appreciate the high level of collaboration provided through  established structures and practices and in informal interactions.

We practice equal opportunity and anti discrimination.  Here is the Link

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